Friday, December 3, 2010

Wow...what a Saints Museum!

Oh I know...where have I been? These last few weeks have been crazy busy...mixed with a little bit of holiday sickness. I've been slacking in terms of this blog. Sorry. I wanted to do a big 2 year Anniversary of my blog post but...between cooking for Thanksgiving, my hubby's Birthday, sick kids (and adults) and a mountain of laundry...I just couldn't. So, today I am here to write about what was missed for the last 2 weeks...I have decided to break this up into a few different posts!
We have had this sickness in the house ever since Halloween (you remember, the one that landed Kenny in the hospital)...yes, that one. Its been one runny nose, fever, headache, coughing mess around here. One has it and no matter how many times you wash your hands, sneeze into your arm, is like a chain reaction and gets passed around. Tony and I even got it...and my husband NEVER gets sick. A week later and we're still coughing!

The Junior High classes at St. Francis put on a Saints Museum.When we got there, We were welcomed to Heaven! There were statues and memorabilia of the saints along with what the kids statues and angel escorts. When you press a circle on the paper in front of them, they are to "come alive" and tell the person standing there about themselves (er...I mean, the saint that they were dressed as).
Tony and Taylor both told me they needed costumes...Tony needed an angel costume and Taylor told me she needed a costume that looked like The Weeping Madonna of Syracuse...The best I could come up with for her was sheets. Honestly, its the only thing that looked original. And oh...thank GOD for Halloween for the Angel stuff! get poor Morgan who LOOOOVES dogs, but the allergies are way too much for her. This is just from only a few minutes of playing with a few dogs....
Poor thing lasted a few days like this...even with Benedryl!

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