Thursday, December 30, 2010

Goodbye 2010...and good riddens!

The year is coming to a close. There has been so much happening this past just seemed to fly by! The picture above pretty much sums up our year. But notice...we're still smiling!

So much has gone on this past year...

There was us trying to sell our house then taking it off the market (which was a great idea because now we owe much less and it will be paid off before we know it).

There was us trying to get EM:HE to come to help our family then we ended up helping the family that was chosen (and had a great time).

Kenny hospitalized 7 times, 2 surgeries, 2 seizures, feeding issues, viruses, infections, RSV.


There were birthdays, births, weddings, vacations (not really ours, but...), and deaths.

There were family get togethers which were so much fun.

There was lots of heartaches with different life issues.

There were family and friends that we lost and miss terribly.

There was our ant issues, our broken appliances and...oh...the maggots (ewww)

...and laundry

There was the Cystic Fibrosis events, DreamNight for chronically ill kids and family, the March of Dimes walk (that Kenny was hospitalized during), Mom's nights out as well.

There was Kenny learning to walk...which is still so amazing to us!

There was the whole G-tube issue and now we are pros at it (see it wasn't anything to worry about).

There was the first day of school...Kayleigh started Kindergarten!

Did I mention...laundry?

So...this year I am sure there is going to me just as much excitement. I am actually looking forward to ending this year and starting a whole new one. One that is sure to bring much excitement, joy, interesting trials, fun times and growth!

We are having a communion for Sydnie, a wedding for my niece, a graduation for my nephew, a few new babies (of nieces and, my husbands business is expanding (yay) in every way (see...hard work and dedication really does pay off). And Kenny will be doing more and more....getting stronger and stronger!

I say...

bring it on!

Goodbye were good, full of hope. You blessed us with many things but also had many disappointments, health issues and many problems throughout the year.

With this new year I am hoping that it brings even more hard work for Tony and I (did I really just say that?!). We are here. We are strong, happy, and full of faith that this will be a great year for our family and for our friends!

We have many interesting avenues lined up along with loving and caring family and friends. This will be a great year!

May God bless and thank you those near and dear to us. Our family...near and far. Our friends...old and new. Those we never even met but have been rooting our family on this past year.

A special shout out to The Joyce have shown us what a wonderful, great hearted, loving, amazing family yours is...thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We can only hope that we can follow in your amazing family's footsteps with the joy and kindness and generosity you all have shown our family. You will never know the gratitude that Tony and I have...the love that we have for you all. Thank you soooo much.

All of my friends that have been there for us this past year and the years before. You all have been there for us rooting us on. Giving us the encouragement when life was blah. Thank you, thank you...thank you!

I thank all of my readers of my blog for making my blog what it is today. I started it to keep my family and friends updated on Kenny and had turned into a blog of what life is like in our family. What we deal with on a daily basis...from what the kids have/are doing to what is happening with Kenny and educating those who are new to the micro preemie lifestyle and all that it entails. To remember our precious Nick and help to give encouragement for others to keep going.

This year, Milestones for Micros are going full force, our family has many new and exciting things happening and so does our blog!

Stay tuned

...this year is going to be a great year for all.

Have a prosperous and joyous New Year!

(and don't forget to sign the petition for EMHE...send it to all of those you know!)

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