So if you all would be so kind to pass this petition on to everyone you know and have them sign it, I would be forever grateful to you.
A great big THANK YOU to all of you that have already signed! Thank you all for the nice notes you left with your signature! Love you all!
Now I would like to take this time to publicly thank my family for everything that have done for us. My husbands business has slowed WAY down because of 1)Kenny being in and out of the hospital and 2)the one has the money for signs and graphics...advertising is the first to be cut from a budget. So this past month has been one that we would much rather not talk about. We have been struggling... and my family helped us out with a Christmas dinner and presents for the kids...Thank you all very, very much! Also, Tony's brother gave him a van, since his died. This is such a bad time for us...I've been so down about it. So sorry if I've been distant's been a very bad couple of years...Nicks death, Kenny with all his problems, financial, and a few other things...mix it all together, and you get a very stressful emotional mess.
I am so thankful to God that our marriage is a strong one, because through everything, we have each our marriage vows, for richer or poorer, through sickness and health...yep...been there...done 13 short years of marriage! I would not wish any of this...on anybody...and for everyone that has told us that we shouldn't of had so many kids...we wouldn't trade a hug or a smile from any one of our kids!!!! They ARE what life is about. We are proud of all of our kids and will make the best out of what God has given us (and has taken away) I can only hope that when they are grown, they rally around one another like our family has done for us...THANK YOU!
Oh, I am also still getting angel ornaments from people...I love them, thank you for sending us a little happiness.