Friday, September 2, 2011

I finally did it!

I created a logo for one of my dream ideas....what I've had a passion for...making I beat the odds t-shirts for micro-preemies, preemies and kids with chronic illnesses! Please visit and "like" my Facebook page by clicking HERE.

My Milestones for Micros is about making memories and showing off what you have been through, through custom free t-shirts. They are free to anyone that has a micro preemie, preemie or special needs child.

I started this mission when my surviving twin son turned one. I thought to myself...he had beaten the odds at being born at 23 weeks gestation...a whole 17 weeks early and I wanted the world to know just THAT! I made his shirt he wore on his birthday....and it as been a tradition in our house ever since...a milestones for micros t-shirt for each birthday. He is 4 now, and since then, I have made ...several of these for families of micro preemies. I am hoping to one day get big enough to take them to the NICU in our area (and all over the U.S. and elsewhere) and give them as a going home gift to all babies born early or who have beat the odds in one way or another. I cant do this without your please spread the word and lets get Milestones For Micros off the ground! The shirts are free...I will not be charging anything (including shipping) to have a shirt made...but I do welcome donations of any size, just to pay forward for the next shirt given away to a child (to cover the cost of ink, shirts and shipping). So this is coming from me personally...I am funding this for my dream of making my fellow preemie families and families with special and chronic needs put a smile on faces during a very stressful time.

I will need your name, address, color scheme of type and if there is a special graphics you want added please let me know. Please e-mail me at:
This is a free service that I donate to all kids that were born early or have a chronic condition...but a donation is very welcomed.

The Mission of Milestones For Micros is to give families with preemies, micro preemie & kids with a chronic condition, something to be proud of...Beating the odds of survival! We will be making and proudly distributing t-shirts with the child's stats when they were born and also for each milestone birthday they are celebrating!

So please help me out with my dream of helping others...please
Like my Facebook page and pass the word around that I am doing this! Thank you very much!

1 comment:

Nobodys Nothings said...

i love the logo! good luck with all your endeavors. :)