Sunday, May 1, 2011

Today...we walked for babies...for miracles...

Yes, its been a crazy whirlwind of a last few weeks, months...ahhh...heck...years! I've been unsure about many things. Been unsure of Kenny's health. Unsure of decisions that we've made. I've even been unsure of my own sanity...haha...but one thing I haven't been more sure of...walking for the March of Dimes!

We walked this morning for our children, our miracles...and our angel, Nick. We walked for all the brand new mommies and daddies of preemies...babies born too early or born with defects.We had a great turnout! I want to thank those of you that helped with donating to our family team...we raised over $500!!!! I was up til 4 am working on the T-shirts...but it was all worth it!This is the whole team...Team Tomecko...minus the ones that did donate but couldn't walk with us!

It was chilly and slightly damp (drizzle), but it was perfect!

I was trying to think of the right words to say about this whole day...and honestly, this post from 2 years ago really says it all...

Thoughts of walking today...dated April 26, 2009:

I am sitting here this morning, in this quiet house (believe it or not), thinking of the reasons why I am walking this March of Dimes walk today with my beautiful family. It makes me sad that our little guy, Nick wont be walking with us....and this is the reason WHY we are walking. No parent should have to go through what Tony and I have been through these last 2 years. No baby should die of prematurity. No baby should have problems because of prematurity. You know, when I thought of having a premature baby waaay back when I had water broke at 29 weeks and ended up keeping him in till 34 weeks...and I thought THAT was early and that HE was SMALL (4 lbs. something oz...), I was scared to death for him. He was fine...well...for the most part. He had to learn to suck, but that was about it. Same with all the other kids...yes, Taylor and Morgan had a very touchy go at it at first, but they were good size and gestational age...then I go and have Kenny and Nick...All I have to say is that it took away part of me, of who I was. After them, I was aware of how fragiler life is....I mean....REALLY fragile! Babies are a gift from God! They ARE a miracle! When I had 36 weeks....and VERY healthy I might add...I see what a difference just a few weeks make in a baby's development! From having many 34-35 weekers to Gina at 36 almost 37 weeks....she is so advanced, loves to eat, actually a big baby! So this is the reason WHY we are walking today.
We are walking in memory of Nick...Nick, mommy loves and misses you so very, very much. We are walking in honor of Kenny, our little miracle born 17 weeks early...pretty much the earliest a baby will be able to survive outside the mommy. We will be walking for Tony, Taylor, Morgan, Sydnie, Kayleigh and our healthiest, Gina. We will be walking for all the new mommies and daddies who are living the same nightmare that we lived, in the hospital...bed rest, babies born too early, the whole NICU roller coaster, prematurity, death, and what is to come for the surviving preemies. We are walking in memory of all babies that just couldn't fight anymore, walking for the doctors and nurses that they will have the knowledge and resources to save those born too early... and that one day, ALL babies will be born healthy!

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