Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy Birthday to my twin boys...

To my Twin Boys...
(reposed from last birthday...cause...well...I'm just not feeling good and I loved this poem that I wrote!)
You both were dreams and visions of love
Inside me, I had you both, and thanked God above.
I prayed and prayed that you'd both be healthy
I'd give up everything including being wealthy.
Nick on my left and Kenny on my right
It's a feeling of having twins that was so in sight.
A dream that came true, but with different results
I cant help but feel that it was somehow my fault.
A mom is supposed to keep their children safe and warm
I couldn't do that, the day you both were born.
I cried the night I saw both of you, you looked so unreal
that my Nick and my Kenny I could no longer feel.
Nick you put up a fight to stay here with us,
but God wanted you close and you didn't put up a fuss.
We held you close the day you went away
I love you, I love you, is all I could say.
I told you to look for your Uncle John in Heaven
I bet he wouldn't believe that we actually had seven!
Kenny would miss you with all of his might
but we know that you are with him every day and night.
It would have been fun to celebrate with both on your day
the birthday of my boys, my twins I should say.
Kenny is our miracle, he is our little guy,
I wouldn't trade him for anything, I would much rather die.
God chose this life for us and for him,
We just have to have faith, that his light will not dim.
The problems and issues with you, that we see
will make us better people, I think that's the key,
So as we celebrate your birthday, yes I am happy but sad,
I want you both to know that I am trying so so bad!
See, I prayed for my twins that they would make it through the days
and now I see that they have, just in very different ways.
I am a mommy to twins, one in Heaven and one on Earth
How lucky am I to have actually giving my twins birth!
Our family has an angel and his brother he watches over,
It's better than finding a lucky four leafed clover!
Kenny, I look up to you, you are such a strong little guy
You lost your other half and you couldn't even say goodbye.
As We celebrate your birthday(s), I want you to know,
I will be with you and love you and help you to grow.
We will make it, I promise, all of us together
That's why God gave you both to our hearts, forever!
It wont be easy, but we all will help you through
With hospitals, therapy's and anything new.
My love for you started when God gave you to me
And it will never end, not from now till eternity
So Happy Birthday to my twins, Mommy loves you more than ever
I promise to love you, think of you, be here for you now and forever!
Happy Birthday Kenny and Nick...Mommy and Daddy and your brother and sisters loves you both so very much.
Kenny, I will help you become the strong, loving and successful person that you are meant to be. You are an amazing little boy who puts a smile on my face every day. No matter what happens, we will be here for you and help you through any obstacles that you may face in life. You are my miracle and would do anything for you and your sisters and brother. And for you Nick, my angel, I pray that you are with Uncle John and Great Grandparents and others that have been part of our lives. Until we meet again my love, Keep the lights going on and off coming! I hope Uncle John is taking care of you! I miss you so heart is broken because your not here. Your Daddy, sisters and brothers keep me going and my faith that you are with Uncle John and Grandmas and Grandpas help me make it though the days!
I am so happy that God gave me my children.
To have Kenny and Nick on May 2 is something very special (yet sad).
I don't usually go all "number-ie" but these numbers are very ironic...almost it was meant to be....
We had 5 children = May (5)
Then we had our twins = the 2nd day of May (2)
total kids 7 = the year...2007
Here's another one...No one can say that Gina wasn't supposed to be here....We had 7 children = July (7)
We had 7 children + added one (Gina) = the seventheenth day (17) (one & seven)
So total kids 8 = the year 2008
Oh yeah...God does beautiful things!

1 comment:

mpence said...

What a beautiful poem...thank you so much for sharing.