Tuesday, October 2, 2012

a junk drawer marker...and a curious little boy

The first mistake is leaving a marker in the junk drawer...you know the drawer...its where everything ends up that doesn't really have a real place to go. Well somehow, said marker ended up there...in the overly crowded little drawer tucked away in at the farthest corner of the kitchen. There, mixed in amongst the screws, pennies and battery chargers, was this dreaded marker that should have been in one of the kids pencil pouches for school...but nooooo...it had to be where it was when my son decided to stop lining up his matchbox cars and take a break from his usual daily routine and see what he could get into while mom went to the bathroom for 52.3 seconds.
As fate would have it, he spotted that beautiful bright red marker and decided to copy what he has seen his sisters do several times during their "lets practice applying makeup" times. Yes, my five and a half year old developmentally delayed, hearing impaired...and chronically ill micro preemie finally figured out how to apply lipstick and eye shadow. I love the fact that he is actually doing things...but I can think of better things to do...lets say...potty trained or speaking words...but hey, its a start!
God help me.
Today, applying marker...tomorrow, many more smiles and laughter!

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