Saturday, July 24, 2010

Relay for Life

We walked for my mother in law who is a breast cancer survivor, our friend Anthony Z., and for our friends and family that beat cancer and those that passed from it...God bless you all!! This is one event we HAD to do... Cancer is everywhere and effects everyone. Those that have beat it, you are my heros. You are strong, courageous people with a determination that surpasses all others. WOW. Those that are fighting...Keep fighting and dont give up. And those that couldnt beat it...You put up a great fight and we miss you each and every day. You will never be forgotten, ever. ♥

Anthony's Army getting ready to get a group picture.

Our family including Tony's mom and Morgan's friend

The girls trying to cool off

The balloon release

The balloons going to Heaven

Very proud of my Mother in Law who is a 3 year survivor of breast cancer!

May God bless and watch over everyone!

1 comment:

Barkha said...

It was heartening to watch the video. It made me sad and think of your emotions as a mother. I feel extremely sorry for you had to go through such experience. However I also feel happy to see your family pictures of your other kids and can say that you are truly blessed.
May you always enjoy the bliss of motherhood
Thanks for sharing the video.